Save your game all the time and use different save spots for it too.
Ion weapons knock droids on their butts and will go right through shields.
Stick to lightsabers, they even sound cooler. Using these video game strategies to make a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic character will help so much it's almost like cheating! Here are a few other game hints for your Star Wars Jedi hero.
This works really well with the Dark Side of The Force.
Don't get too close to combat though, let your allies thump the baddies while you stand back and use your Force powers to boost them. Become a Jedi Consular when you can learn The Force and power up your Force Feats. To master The Force you should start as a Scout with a Wisdom of at least 16, a high Dexterity and points in the Treat Injury, Persuade, Repair and Computer Use skills. Star Wars Character #3 - Jedi Master of The Force